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Rewardful Launches Paddle Integration

Rewardful Team
June 1, 2022
June 20, 2023
Rewardful Launches Paddle Integration

We’ve got some exciting news for all SAAS companies using Paddle for payments. Rewardful is very proud to announce that Paddle users can now use Rewardful to set up affiliate programs.

We’ve been working closely with the Paddle team to make this a reality. Paddle helps software companies around the globe to offload operational complexities, so it was really important to us that we make the integration as easy as possible, and to handle all the complexities involved in subscription billing, including upgrades, downgrades, cancellations, refunds and more.

"This has been a long time coming, and we are really happy to be working with Rewardful to offer affiliate tracking to our customers. Affiliate marketing is a great tool for SAAS businesses, and we look forward to seeing what our customers do with this."

Alan Quinn - Head of Solutions & Partnerships at Paddle

To learn more about using Rewardful to set up an affiliate program with Paddle, visit

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