Boost Membership Growth with Rewardful Affiliate Software and Memberstack

Set up a membership affiliate program effortlessly with the Rewardful-Memberstack integration.

Why You Should Integrate Rewardful with Memberstack

An affiliate program empowers your users to become its biggest advocates. Get started with Rewardful and grow effortlessly with these features:
Launch your Memberstack affiliate program within minutes
Drive sales with easy-to-share affiliate coupon codes
Customize affiliate commissions for each campaign or partner
Manage multi-currency affiliate programs
One-click payment with PayPal or Wise affiliate mass payout

Who is Rewardful-Memberstack Integration for?

The Rewardful-Memberstack integration is suitable for many subscription-based businesses, including:
Online courses and communities
SaaS and AI businesses
See how Rewardful helped businesses and digital content creators thrive.

Quickstart Your Affiliate Program with Rewardful and Memberstack

Step 1

Create Your First Campaign

After signing up and connecting your Stripe account to Rewardful, create your first campaign.

Step 2

Connect Rewardful to Memberstack

Copy your Rewardful script from the ‘Code Integration’ page, and paste it into the ‘<head>’ section of your Memberstack-powered website.

Step 3

Confirm Installation

Go back to Rewardful, click on ‘Setup Complete’ and ‘Confirm Installation.’ Then, refresh the page. A confirmation message will pop up.

That’s it! You can start recruiting affiliates to your Memberstack referral system.

Learn the details on how to connect Memberstack with Rewardful here.

Launch Your Rewardful-Memberstack Integration in Minutes!

Top Rewardful Features

Use coupons to track referrals from influencers and on platforms where link-based attribution isn't an option.

Mass payouts icon

PayPal and Wise Mass Payouts

Send payments to your affiliates via PayPal or Wise in a few clicks.

Self-referral fraud detection icon

Two-Way Stripe Sync

View and automate affiliate data directly from your Stripe dashboard.

Integration icon

One-Click Integration

We integrate with your favorite platforms and plugins. No code needed.

Customer support icon

Live Customer Support

Our support team is ready to make affiliate marketing with Rewardful effortless.

Automated refund icon

Automated Refund Handling

Automatically adjust commissions for refunds and customer lifecycle changes.

Self-referral fraud detection icon

Self-Referral Fraud Detection

We automatically identify and deactivate suspected self-referrals.

Customizable commissions icon

Customizable Cookie & Commissions

Set your own cookie length to correspond with your typical sales cycle and set fixed amount, percentage-based, one-time, or recurring commissions.

Attribution icon

First or Last Touch Attribution

Choosing the right model depends on your program’s goals — whether you value initial discovery or final conversion more.

2,600+ Stripe Customers Use Rewardful to Grow Their Business

“It's affiliate software for Stripe, and it's everything I've ever wanted: simple setup, deep integration with Stripe, and well-designed.”
Justin Jackson
“Every other affiliate platform we look at was either insanely expensive or full of bugs – and sometimes both. Rewardful has been rock solid, and took less than 15 minutes to install. It's the perfect affiliate solution for SaaS companies using Stripe.”
Spencer Fry
Founder & CEO

Affiliate Software FAQs about Rewardful and Memberstack

How Can I Connect Memberstack with Rewardful?
How Easy Is It to Integrate Rewardful to My SaaS and Subscription-Based Business?
What Integrations Do Rewardful Support for SaaS and Subscription-Based Businesses?
What Are the Benefits of Having a Membership Affiliate Program?

Unlock a game-changing revenue channel with Rewardful-Memberstack affiliate software integration

Get up and running in just a few minutes, with zero risk.
Try Rewardful free for 14-days